ST. PAUL, Minn. (WCCO) – One person is in custody and three have been charged in connection with a Dec. 22 home in the invasion of a Roseville group home.
Renesha Irma Motten, 20, Jermain Ramone Beasely, 22 of St. Paul and De’Aries Calvin Collins, 18, were all charged Tuesday with aggravated first-degree robbery by the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office in connection with the incident. Beasely is currently in the Ramsey County Jail, while Motten and Collins remain at-large with warrants out for their arrest.
All three are accused of the Dec. 22, 2011 invasion of Legacy Endeavors Group Home on the 2800 block of Lexington Avenue in Roseville. During the robbery, the group home’s personal support advocate was pistol-whipped several times in the head, because the advocate couldn’t produce cash or narcotics.
For approximately 15 minutes, the suspects ransacked the home searching the home for cash and narcotics. Before leaving, they ripped phone lines from the wall, took all the cell phones and warned the occupants not to call the police. They ended up leaving with cash and credit card information of one of the vulnerable adults.
The suspects were captured on tape after one of them used a victim’s debit card at a local convenience store, according to court documents.
After seeing her photo appear in local media, Motten turned herself into Roseville Police a week after the incident. She was later interviewed and released by authorities.
Beasely was arrested last Friday after being recognized by Metro Transit Police after getting off a bus. Authorities are also looking for a fourth suspect, whose identity has not been released.
If all three are convicted, they face up to 20 years in prison and a $35,000 fine.