MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – A crime alert issued Thursday aims to warn residents about a man with a long history of construction scams against the elderly.
Authorities say Edward Lou Mason, 48, has scammed several elderly individuals in multiple states. Mason has several felony warrants out for his arrest for these incidents, according to police.
The latest incident occurred Tuesday, when Mason allegedly scammed a 98-year-old Falcon Heights, Minn. woman for construction work not needed (or completed). He charged her $1,850 for the work.
Mason is known to stay in campgrounds, trailer parks and cheap motels with his girlfriend, Jenny Lynn Dawson, 40. Authorities say they constantly change vehicles, never registered under his name. Police say they may be traveling under Dawson’s name.
Mason is described as a 5-foot-2 white man, around 245 pounds with balding hair and brown eyes. He is known to have access to a variety of vehicles, but mostly pickup trucks.
He was last known to be driving a white Ford F 350 pickup truck with a travel trailer with Iowa plates.
If you know the whereabouts of Mason or Dawson, you’re asked to contact local authorities.