ST. PAUL, Minn. (WCCO) — Christmas for one St. Paul renter started by capturing a pair of burglars on tape in his apartment.
Two men can be seen on surveillance video at about 12:35 a.m. Sunday entering an apartment on the 700 block of Hague Avenue in St. Paul. The men grabbed electronics from a room before disabling the security camera.
The renter had the camera installed after a series of burglaries in the area, and a motion sensor that was tripped when the men entered the home triggered the camera to start taping. The video was emailed to the victim, who then called police. Authorities were on the scene within minutes, but the burglars had fled the scene before police arrived.
If you recognize the two burglars or have any information, you’re asked to call St. Paul police at 651-291-1111.